Build Awesome CLI with Node.js

Build Awesome CLI with Node.js

A full-featured framework for building Command Line Applications with Node.js

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Easy to use

Clean documented API to write simple or complex programs in Javascript or Typescript.

Multi commands

Build mono-command programs as well as multi-commands program like git.


Uses the chalk package to bring colors and joy to your programs.


Validate arguments and options using ready to use flags or bring you own.


Supercharge your programs with built-in shell autocompletion in bash, zsh and fish.

Inquirer integration

Integrates with inquirer to power up users interactions & UI

Built with Typescript

Harder. Better. Stronger. Battle tested with more than 200 unit tests.

Typo suggestions

Let users know about their mistakes and suggest them some solutions.

Auto generated help

Beautiful yet customizable help auto generated for you.

They are using Caporal

More than 360 packages are using Caporal for their CLI, among which:


Thanks goes to these wonderful people for contributing to Caporal: